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Filing Complaints under IT Act

Procedure for Filing a Complaint for Adjudication under IT Act
Every Application for Adjudication Under IT Act 2000 should be in the specified format and should be accompanied by applicable fee.

bullet greenApplication form:PDF iconProforma for Complaint(English)(89 KB)

bullet greenFee Structure:Every complaint of a matter to the Adjudicating Officer shall be accompanied by Application fee of Rs. 50/- and fee towards damages claimed by way of compensation from the contraveners, payable by a bank draft drawn in favour of "Adjudicating Officer Information Technology Act" at Mumbai, Maharashtra, calculated on the basis on the rates provided below.

I. Damages by way of compensation
a. Up-to Rs.10,000
10% ad valorem rounded off to nearest next hundred
b. From 10001 to Rs. 50000
Rs. 1000 plus 5% of the amount exceeding Rs. 10,000 rounded of to nearest next hundred
c. From Rs. 50001 to Rs. 100000
Rs. 3000/- plus 4% of the amount exceeding Rs. 50,000 rounded of to nearest next hundred
d. More than Rs. 100000
Rs.5000/- plus 2% of the amount exceeding Rs. 100,000 rounded of to nearest next hundred
II. Fee for Every Application

bullet greenWhere to Submit: Adjudicating Officer, c/o Directorate of Information Technology, 7th Floor, Mantralaya, Madam Cama Road, Hutatma Rajguru Chowk, Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400021

bullet greenContact us: itcases[at]maharashtra[dot]gov[dot]in

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